Closed from 19th Dec 2023 to 1st Jan 2024

Golden Rutilated Quartz Crystal Chip Bracelets / Reduces Depression, Soothes Low Moods, Blocks Negativity / Eases Anxiety + Fear

£13.95 Regular price £16.95
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High grade Rutilated Quartz crystal chip style bracelet (one size fits all) ✨🖤💎

💎 reduces the feeling of depression
💎 soothes low moods & dark thoughts
💎 blocks negative energy
💎 aids letting go of the past

Rutilated Quartz cleanses & energises the aura 💆🏻‍♀️💗 it draws off negative energy & disease, also helping to let go of the past. Rutilated Quartz gives protection against the bad thoughts of others 🙅🏻‍♀️ it also helps to reach the root of problems & ensures smooth transitions & a change of direction. Another benefit of Rutilated Quartz is that it relieves fears, phobias & anxiety. It also promotes forgiveness on all levels 🥰

How does it work? What do I need to do?

Wear your bracelet if you are feeling low in mood or need a ‘pick me up’. Your bracelet will work with your body’s energy & aid symptoms of depression, anxiety & fear. Wear are little or as often as you need 🖤

It's beneficial to 'cleanse' your crystal when you receive it/them. You can do this in a variety of ways; using sage, palo santo, running water (preferably spring water), moonlight or sunlight, just be sure to check your crystals are suitable in water & sunlight, as some are not. I recommend cleansing your crystals at least once a month. If your crystal has been 'active' a lot, or appears hot, cleanse more regularly. Over time, you will just know! You build a little relationship with your crystals, they are like little friends!

Crystals contain energy & natural vibrations, dependent on when, where & how they were made in the world. You don’t technically have to do anything to benefit from crystals. It is beneficial if you love them & care for them, this is pretty simple though 😊 you can start by cleansing them with sage every week to release any toxic or negative energies, or you can simply get them out on a full moon & cleanse & charge them in the moonlight 🌙

If you ever need advice just drop us a message 🔮💎💕